
Joe Little在Scrum联盟认证讲师和认证教练讨论组里面发起了一个有意思的关于常见Scrum问题的讨论,不少讲师和教练都提出了问题,整个列表越来越长。具体如下:
1 No SM
2 Lack of courage
3 Lack of persistence
4 No SM worth a dang
5 SM who has not been to a CSM class
6 SM allocated too low
7 SM not allocated 100%,对于初始团队,100%的SM是很重要的。
8 SM with zero people skills
9 A PO with zero understanding of technology
10 A PO who has never met a customer
11 A PO with no support from ‘the business’ (depends on context what ‘bus’ means)
12 A PO who does not understand the 80-20 rule
13 A PO with no nose for business value
14 Product Owner not empowered. 很少见到真正的PO,尽管很多人的Title都叫PO
15 Focus on “get all this done” rather than true Agile project. 关注于Output而不是Outcome
16 Asking team to “meet their commitments”, meaning make their estimates come true.很多的manager都很关心承诺
17 Estimates, period. [SG]
18 Failure to work as a team. [!!!!!] 95%以上的团队都不是真正的团队
19 Failure to use the necessary technical practices.
20 Failure to be anywhere near Done at Sprint end [and with no decent explanation]。不少团队在做这种具有XXXX特色的Scrum
21 Stretch goals.
22 no Backlog Refinement done with the Dev Team, so Sprint Planning gets long, boring and risky; 绝大多数团队都没有产品代办事项梳理(Backlog Refinement)
23 Dev Team committing to the Sprint Backlog items during Sprint Planning, instead of committing to a Sprint Goal…这显然是更高层次的要求
24 …therefore, Sprint gets labeled as “failure” because Dev Team didn’t complete all the items (they didn’t work towards a Sprint Goal);
25 The Team members working over night and weekends trying to complete all Sprint Backlog items (or even trying to reach the Sprint Goal), so no sustainable pace nor room for learning from mistakes;
26 ScrumMaster is the technical leader and has the final word on technical decisions; 十分常见
27 Every Dev Team member working on a different item, in any order (not from the most important one);绝大多数Scrum团队都是这个样子
28 High specialization on the Dev Team, so some people only work on some determined kinds of tasks or items;很多这样团队里面的成员都认为自己的东西别人学不会,只能自己碰。
29 Technical or business discussions during Daily Scrum, so meeting could take longer than expected and not create the desired visibility;
30 No impediment list
31 Best impediments not aggressively identified [too short a phrase]
32 All impediments found in only a few categories
33 Inability to make a business case for an impediment fix to a manager
No investment to fix impediments
34 Dev Team members reporting to the ScrumMaster on Daily Scrum; 绝大多数都是这样。
35 No stakeholders at Sprint Review, so Dev Team is presenting to the Product Owner;大多数团队还是离客户太远
36 Items [PBIs] left on a Sprint automatically going to the next Sprint; 或者到下个sprint去测试!!!
37 No action plans from Retrospectives, so almost no improvements are made; 绝大多数团队连Retrospective都没有
38 Stressful, finger pointing Retrospectives;
39 Tasks in the Product Backlog
40 ScrumMasters doing coordination work in a Scrum of Scrums meeting (actually recommended by the black book, then unrecommended by everyone I know, but still persists for some reason) 这明显是PM的做法
41 Deciding which team member will do which work during the Sprint Planning Meeting (an early mistake we made, led to team members working by themselves, not sharing when getting behind, etc.),我见到过很多在”实践Scrum”团队中都是这个样子。
42 Deciding what will happen in Sprint 2, Sprint 3, Sprint 4, and Sprint 5 before Sprint 1 has been completed
43 Managers talking and interrogating team during the daily
44 Team reporting during daily [unclear]
45 Changing Sprint length
46 Changing team members during a Sprint
47 ScrumMaster who is PO too
48 PO who is the boss of the SM
49 Daily Scrum in the team room with screens turned on [unclear, I guess screens are distracting]
50 Lack of a PO…
51 A Prod Bklog that shows no understanding of BV
52 ScrumMaster delegating and sometimes imposing stuff to the Team.
53 A PITA manager pushing the Team
54 PO not collaborating with the team, not available to the team.
55 Lack of an initial PBL.
56 Scrum Master spread across 4 teams…
57 SM spread across 2 teams
58 Development Team members spread across 4 teams…
59 Dev Team members not 100% dedicated to one Team
60 A Development Manager.
61 A Development Manager insisting that all teams document their Retrospectives using the same document template
62 A Development Manager sending all teams their Definition of Done
63 Checking in code and immediately going home without checking that the build worked, leaving the build broken for others to fix? Even worse, done 3 times by the same person :(

64 A product owner not invited to the retrospective :)

65 No shared definition of done 
No Def of Done at all

66 A pause between sprints

67 More than one product owner
A daily scrum only twice a week

69 No testing in the sprint
70 No professional testers in the Team

71 Unfixed bugs on (so-called) done stories
