Magic Happens! – ClipArt of the first day “Yes, I am in” workshop

Spent a whole day in workshop, a lot of fun. Ripley Lin, Facilitator from Taiwan captured what happened with ClipArt. (梦工坊的第一天,台湾来的引导师林慧玫小姐帮我们用一张张剪贴画记录下了我们一天的过程)。

First, let’s give a big picture. (先来一幅全景), we use 4D of Appreciation Inquiry in the 2 day workshop.

Leo made a soup from stone which is flavor. The team is from all over China including Hong Kong, Taiwan. (五毛引导大家煮了一锅石头汤。而我们来自于五湖四海,包括台湾、香港)。

With Appreciation Inquiry, we learn to know something good about the others. We start to discover gold in my life. Let’s start from Discovery part.

In pairs and groups, we found our best team stories.

We found what’s important for good team and prioritized them.

We are dreaming about our ideal team. The Dream part.

Make it into a drama.

And Also today is the organizer team, called IKuai’s birthday (means together, 一块儿) . Happy Birthday IKuai!.

Expected Magic tomorrow.
